It's Fashion Baby Doll!
As Fashion took hold of London this week and the hip crowd of Alexa Chung and Agnes Deyn were taking their front row seats, Missy and I set up our own little catwalk using her dolls Violet and Sweet Pea as our super models. It was at this point I realised how horrible the clothes of these dolls are! OK I know Violet cost the handsome sum of £1.99 from Sainsburys but they could at least put some knickers on her. As Missy loves to dress and undress her dolls all day long I decided they needed some new togs. A quick trip to the charity shop where I found a great vintage knitting pattern for 25p and a rummage in my wool basket for a ball of left over wool and hey presto Violet is now sporting a white maxi dress with button up back!
To continue our crafty mood we took a walk round the local market on Saturday and came across Jasper the Cat who Missy fell in love with immediately. Being a Competitive Mum doesn't mean you have to make absolutely everything yourself. There are things you'll be good at and things that other people will be better at and in this case that was the friendly folks at The Curiosity Tree. Jasper is part of the Knit-wits, a group of exquisitely handmade characters all available from £10.

That's all folks!
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